Being a parent can be a time of tremendous changes and chaos.
Craniosacral Therapy offers deep settling for each of us but it is a special privilege to offer therapy sessions during pregnancy and to new-borns. In a world where speed is often valued, craniosacral sessions support us to slow down and re-connect ourselves and therefore to our baby.
Newborn babies and infants can benefit hugely from Craniosacral treatment for conditions like birth trauma and colic. The experience of childbirth itself, forceps, vacuum or c-section, can often leave babies out of line and with residual symptoms which can have negative implications for breastfeeding or anxiety issues, for example.
When working with babies, special consideration is given. Pacing is critical and the baby must feel a sense of trust, safety and openness so her story can be told. Babies are always included in the conversations and parents are invited to tell the baby their stories as well.
I offer special rates for Mother and Babies and suggest a partner or friend comes to help, if possible.
I also run specific Craniosacral Mother and Baby days with Barbara Noonan, a Homeopath who also has vast experience as a Midwife and a Public Health Nurse. These are deeply restorative days that enable us to see that when we put ourselves back in the picture our families can thrive even more.
To find out more about how Craniosacral Therapy can help your baby, please CONTACT me now to book an appointment.
Stories that babies tell
Matthew Appleton, Psychotherapist and Craniosacral Therapist suggests we can all learn to observe the behaviour and listen to the cries of young babies to better understand their own unique language. Babies often look for opportunities to complete biological sequences. Babies have stories to tell and they often touch parts of their bodies where they were stuck during the childbirth process. With kindness and heart-felt listening, babies feel heard and are able to move onto the next step of development. Through Craniosacral Therapy, a baby’s sleep patterns, fretfulness, nervous agitation, being clingy and a variety of infant behavioural challenges can settle.
Pre and Perinatal sessions
The way we are born can become an imprint that can stay with us and continue to have a profound effect on our lives until we work with the reocurring themes with kindness and awareness. Defensiveness, low self-esteem, an inability to start or end projects, anxiety and other feelings commonly can be traced back to early beginnings. This approach is not about being re-traumatised, not re-visiting old stories for their own sake, but to understand present time experience in a more informed way.
First Impressions…Embryology
Since 1991, when I trained as a Polarity Therapist, I became fascinated by life in the womb and the powerful imprint our birth can have on our lives. In-depth research in Pre- and Perinatal psychology clearly indicates that not only do our babies have a sensory memory of birth but that they also remember how it was in the womb. I believe these earliest impressions can shape who we are. Dr Allan Shore, a Senior Neuropsychologist speaking on ‘Attachment’ states that we literally “download our nervous system from our care-givers.”
As the right brain is developing rapidly in-utero and in the early ‘attachment years’, parents play a key role in both soothing and calming the infant but also in stimulating feelings of love and joy. This is an area I feel passionately about and I have provided links on both Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and epigenetics for those wishing to learn more.
To find out more about how Craniosacral Therapy can help your baby, please Contact Me now to book
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